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Category: Evolutionary Biology

Partial honesty in a hummingbird polymorphism provides evidence for a hybrid equilibrium

J. J. Falk, C. T. Bergstrom, et al.

Communication, Game Theory, Evolution

Honest signaling made simple

Jacob Chisausky, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Communication, Game Theory, Evolution

Evolutionary consequences of delaying intervention for monkeypox

Philip Johnson, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Epidemiology, Evolution and Medicine, Evolution

The cost of information acquisition by natural selection

Ryan S. McGee, Olivia Kosterlitz, et al.

Evolution, Information theory, Game Theory

Evolution, Second Edition

Carl T. Bergstrom and Lee Alan Dugatkin


Research: Theory, models and biology

Wenying Shou, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.


Microbiology: Taking the bad with the good

Carl T. Bergstrom and Benjamin Kerr

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine, Game Theory

Applying evolutionary biology to address global challenges

Scott Carroll, Peter S. Jørgensen, et al

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Honest signaling with costly gambles

Frazer Meacham, Aaron Perlmutter, et al.

Communication, Evolution, Game Theory

When Unreliable Cues Are Good Enough

Matina C. Donaldson-Matasci, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Evolution, Information Theory

Bivalve network reveals latitudinal selectivity gradient at the end-Cretaceous mass extinction

Daril A. Vilhena, Elisha B Harris, et al.

Evolution, Network Theory

Between cheap and costly signals: the evolution of partially honest communication

Kevin J. S. Zollman, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Communication, Evolution, Game Theory


Carl T. Bergstrom and Lee Alan Dugatkin

Evolutionary Biology

Does Ignorance Promote Democracy?

Jevin D. West and Carl T. Bergstrom

Evolution, Misinformation

Evolutionary principles and their practical application

Andrew P. Hendry, Michael T. Kinnison, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

The Transmission Sense of Information

Carl T. Bergstrom and Martin Rosvall

Evolution, Information Theory, Philosophy

Response to commentaries on “The transmission sense of information”

Carl T. Bergstrom and Martin Rosvall

Evolution, Information Theory, Philosophy

The fitness value of information

Matina C. Donaldson‐Matasci, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al

Evolution, Information Theory, Philosophy

Dealing with Deception in Biology

Carl T. Bergstrom

Evolution, Communication

The Role of Theory in Advancing 21st-Century Biology

National Research Council Report


Phenotypic diversity as an adaptation to environmental uncertainty

Matina C. Donaldson-Matasci, Michael Lachmann, et al.


The evolution of functionally referential meaning in a structured world

Matina C. Donaldson, Michael Lachmann, et al.

Communication, Evolution, Philosophy

On the Evolutionary Origin of Aging

Martin Ackermann, Lin Chao, et al.

Evolutionary Medicine, Evolution

On RNA interference as template immunity

Carl T. Bergstrom and Rustom Antia

Evolution, Evolutionary medicine, Philosophy

A population-epigenetic model to infer site-specific methylation rates from double-stranded DNA methylation patterns

Diane P. Genereux, Brooks E. Minor, et al.


Evolution in Action: Understanding Antibiotic Resistance

Diane P. Genereux and Carl T. Bergstrom

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

The disadvantage of combinatatorial communication

Michael Lachmann and Carl T. Bergstrom

Communication, Evolution, Game Theory

Shannon Information and Biological Fitness

Carl T. Bergstrom and Michael Lachmann

Communication, Evolution

Ecological theory suggests that antimicrobial cycling will not reduce antimicrobial resistance in hospitals

Carl T. Bergstrom, Monique Lo, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Effect of human leukocyte antigen heterozygosity on infectious disease outcome: the need for allele-specific measures

Marc Lipsitch, Carl T. Bergstrom et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

The role of evolution in the emergence of infectious diseases

Rustom Antia, Roland R. Regoes, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Mathematical models of RNA silencing: Unidirectional amplification limits accidental self-directed reactions

Carl T. Bergstrom, Erin McKittrick, et al.


The Evolution of Mutator Genes in Bacterial Populations: The Roles of Environmental Change and Timing

Mark M. Tanaka, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

The Red King effect: When the slowest runner wins the coevolutionary race

Carl T. Bergstrom and Michael Lachmann

Evolution, Game Theory

Interspecific mutualisms: Puzzles and predictions

Carl T. Bergstrom, Judith L. Bronstein, et al.


Evolutionary Rates and the Division of Surpluses in Mutualisms

Carl T. Bergstrom and Michael Lachmann

Evolution, Game Theory

Separating equilibria in continuous signaling games

Carl T. Bergstrom, Szabolcs Számadó, et al.

Communication, Evolution, Game Theory

Within‐host population dynamics and the evolution of microparasites in a heterogeneous host population

Vitaly V. Ganusov, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Modeling of antibiotic resistance in the ICU — U.S. slant

Marc Lipsitch and Carl T. Bergstrom

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Cost and conflict in animal signals and human language

Michael Lachmann, Szabolcs Számadó, et al.

Communication, Evolution, Game Theory

Alarm calls as costly signals of antipredator vigilance: the watchful babbler game

Carl T. Bergstrom and Michael Lachmann

Communication, Evolution, Game Theory

Natural selection, infectious transfer, and the existence conditions for bacterial plasmids

Carl T. Bergstrom, Marc Lipsitch, et al.


Bacteria are different: Observations, interpretations, speculations, and opinions about the mechanisms of adaptive evolution in prokaryotes

Bruce R. Levin and Carl T. Bergstrom


Toward a theory of mutual mate choice: Lessons from two-sided matching

Carl T. Bergstrom and Leslie Real

Evolution, Game Theory, Economics

The epidemiology of antibiotic resistance in hospitals: Paradoxes and prescriptions

Marc Lipsitch, Carl T. Bergstrom, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Does mother nature punish rotten kids?

Carl T. Bergstrom and Theodore C. Bergstrom

Evolution, Economics

Transmission bottlenecks as determinants of virulence in rapidly evolving pathogens

Carl T. Bergstrom, Paul McElhany, et al.

Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

Risky Business: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Variable Environments

Carl T. Bergstrom, Arthur J. Robson, et al.


Pure versus mixed strategists: the evolution of behavioral heterogeneity in individuals and populations

Carl T. Bergstrom and Peter Godfrey-Smith

Evolution, Game theory, Philosophy

Germline bottlenecks and the evolutionary maintenance of mitochondrial genomes

Carl T. Bergstrom and Jonathan K. Pritchard


Signalling Among Relatives. III. Talk is cheap

Carl T. Bergstrom and Michael Lachmann

Evolution, Communication

Signalling Among Relatives. II. Beyond the Tower of Babel

Michael Lachmann and Carl T. Bergstrom

Evolution, Communication

Signalling Among Relatives. I. When is signalling too costly?

Carl T. Bergstrom and Michael Lachmann

Evolution, Communication

Multiple mating, sperm competition and meiotic drive

David Haig and Carl T. Bergstrom
